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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Excel:Which of the following is not an option of the spelling dialog box?
  1. Ignore
  2. Ignore all
  3. Edit
  4. Change

Q2. To produce high quality graphics (hardcopy) in color, you would want to use a/n

  1. RGB monitor
  2. Plotter
  3. Ink-jet printer
  4. Laser printer
Correct Answer

Q3. The __________ key will launch the Start button.

  1. esc
  2. shift
  3. Windows
  4. Shortcut
Correct Answer

Q4. Serial access memories are useful in applications where

  1. Data consists of numbers
  2. Short access time is required
  3. Each stored word is processed differently
  4. Data naturally needs to flow in and out in serial form
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Access: Collection of related records in a database is known as

  1. File
  2. Bench
  3. Table
  4. Relationship
Correct Answer

Q6. Personnel who design, program, operates and maintains computer equipment refers to

  1. Console-operator
  2. Programmer
  3. Peopleware
  4. System Analyst
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Access: This data type allows alphanumeric characters and special symbols.

  1. text
  2. memo
  3. auto number
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms PowerPoint: Which option can be used to create a new slide show with the current slides but presented in a different order

  1. Rehearsal
  2. Custom slider show
  3. Slide show setup
  4. Slide show view
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Access: Which Form tool creates a new form that show both a form and datasheet views?

  1. Form
  2. Form Wizard
  3. Multiple Item Form
  4. Split Form
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Excel:Which types of charts can excel produce?

  1. Line graphs and pie charts only
  2. Only line graphs
  3. Bar charts, line graphs and pie charts
  4. Bar charts and line graphs only
Correct Answer

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